NITTAN Corporation | Challenge Creation Speed

Efforts for GovernanceCorporate Governance

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Basic Policy Pertaining to Corporate Governance

The Company have established "the Basic Policy Pertaining to Corporate Governance" which shows the basic idea and on corporate governance and its framework, as well as the policy pertaining to the management, for the purpose of seeking sustainable growth and the medium- to long-term enhancement of corporate value.

Basic Policy Pertaining to Corporate Governance

Basic Policy Pertaining to Corporate Governance

  • As a company with board of company auditors, the Company has established the general meeting of shareholders, the board of directors, the board of company auditors, and the accounting auditor.
  • In order to enhance further objectivity and neutrality of the function of management supervision of the board of directors, 2 independent outside directors who have no potential conflict of interest with ordinary shareholders of the Company have been selected. In addition, we have established the nomination and compensation advisory committees in which half of committee members are independent outside directors, and the committees give advice and recommendations for nomination of directors, determination of compensation and others.
  • Separating the supervision function of directors from their business execution, we have introduced the executive officer system, for the purpose of making a prompt and appropriate decision.
  • The board of company auditors are promoting enhancement of corporate governance by cooperating with the internal audit department, exchanging views regularly with the accounting auditor and directors, and conducting an appropriate and proper audit.
Organizational structure Company with board of company auditors
Number of directors 9 (3 outside directors included)
Term of directors 2 year
Number of company auditors 4 (2 outside company auditors included)
Number of times of the Board of Company Auditors meetings 15 (FY2022)
Number of times of the Board of Company Auditors meetings 12 (FY2022)
Number of times of the Nomination Advisory Committee meetings 2 (FY2022)
Number of times of the Compensation Advisory Committee meetings 4 (FY2022)

Corporate Governance System

Corporate Governance System