NITTAN Corporation | Challenge Creation Speed

Commitment to EnvironmentNITTAN's carbon neutrality

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  2. Sustainability
  3. NITTAN's carbon neutrality
  • 7 Affordable and clean energy
  • 9 Industry, innovation, infrastructure
  • 12 Responsible consumption, production
  • 13 Climate action

Basic Idea for Carbon Neutrality

Based on the corporate philosophy "to contribute to society through corporate development in symbiosis with the environment", the Company have been working on resource saving, as well as waste and energy reduction. Due to increasing social requests for measures against global warming, we shall declare the reduction in quantity of greenhouse gas emissions, and launch NITTAN's Carbon Neutrality (hereinafter "NCN"). In addition, we consider NCN as necessary effort for the purpose of creation of new corporate value.

NITTAN's Policy

NCN (NITTAN's Carbon Neutrality) shall be promoted in harmony with the global standard, and realized together with NITTAN Challenge 10.

How to Promote in Harmony with the Global Standard

We shall establish the guideline in accordance with the Japanese government's objective to achieve "the reduction of CO2 emissions by 46% or more in 2030".

Setting Method of Reference Value

In order to set an appropriate goal, we are using "the database of emission intensity for accounting/reporting organization's greenhouse gases emissions throughout supply chain (Ver. 2.5)"

Reduction Goal of CO2 Emissions

Target Year The Company and Value Chain
Reduction throughout the value chain
(Scope 1,2,3)
CO2 emissions trading, etc. The Company's reduction in total
2025 ▲25% ▲2% ▲27%
2030 ▲46% ▲4% ▲50%

Note: The above are reduction rates compared to FY2013

The Company as a whole launched NCN activities at full scale in April 2022.
Based on FY2019 in which CO2 emissions were the most significant in recent years, we are aiming for the reduction of CO2 emissions by 50% by FY2030, including J-credit scheme utilization.
Currently, we are promoting data collection for each scope and category which are the main pillar of the said activities, validation of reference value, and formulation of the CO2 reduction roadmap. In addition, regarding the progress in the future, the concrete measures, the roadmap and others, we will announce them appropriately on the homepage, etc., according to the progress in activities.

Solar roof installed by a subsidiary of the Company in Thailand
Solar roof installed by a subsidiary of the Company in Thailand